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Monday, December 13, 2010

Week 4 - Speak

I finished reading The Reader way ahead of my limit of 7 days! I think this is the 1st time I liked the movie better than the book... Well that's me...

A few weeks back we visited our relatives in San Pablo, Laguna and I noticed in my cousin's room that there were books littering her cabinet... I investigated and asked who owns them and can I borrow a few... Of course I was thinking of options for my book challenge what else?!
And when I saw this book... This really struck me as familiar... right then and there I went online and checked whether this book SPEAK by Laurie Halse Anderson is the same movie of Kristen Stewart a few years back.. What I had on hand was this one and not the movie-tie-in book cover then I would have immediately have my answer yeah?

So even if it took me some time to decide what my next book would be - I've been toying with the idea of finally reading Dante's Inferno! I've been borrowing it from our school library and still haven't continued reading it! So I'll forfeit that! haha if I change my mind I have it on ebook anyway and can read it thru Stanza in my iTouch - and I thought why not read this story about a high school student who chose to be mum for her own reasons and defense mechanism...

Let's see how this book will change my impression of American high school students...

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