kitty,cuddly,kitten,stuffed dog

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day 8... I went to church

I can't recall what parable or story Ít Ìs frÓM thÉ BÍblÈ whÉreÌn isÓlÀtion and being ostracized is the topic but I guess there are a few stories which I can somehow relate...
How I unobtrusively kept to the back and participated in the mass as much as I can... It's a good thing there were only a few who attended the anticipated mass... And À few would have seen this girl trying to blenÐ in wearing a royal blue long sleeves and bohemiÀn skirt.... Talk about blending Ín huh...
At lÉÀst I get to go to Çhurch...
I'm halfwaÝ therÉ...

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

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