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Thursday, February 8, 2018

DREAM ON - Chapter 4, Mikey Approaches

DREAM ON is a story about a boy who is transported back to the times of the gladiators in Rome... or was it? I can't quite recall anymore... I would be going through the story again as I retype it here...

DISCLAIMER: All scenes, characters, names and places that may be similar to real situations are all coincidental and are just made up by a 12-year old kid.

             So as he closed his book and rested his eyes, his friends: Liza, Livie, Kate and Jeremy entered the room.

            “So you have awaken from your deep sleep,” Liza said jokingly.

            “What sleep?” asked Mikey.

            “Never mind!” exclaimed Liza.

            “Have you eaten your snack?” asked Livie sweetly.

            “Oh! My goodness!” exclaimed Mikey.  “I forgot to bring my snack.”

            “Well you have to eat and there’s no time for you to eat anymore,” proclaimed Livie.

            “I do have another sandwich,” Jeremy offered.  “You can have it.”

            “Thank you.  You’re a good friend,” Mikey said.

            “How sweet! Yech!” exclaimed Kate.

            “So Mikey, how’s my book?  Is it interesting?” Jeremy asked.

            “Yeah… it’s okay,” Mikey answered.

            “What’s so interesting about it?” Kate asked.  “You’ve been reading it since our fist class.”

            “If you want to know, borrow it from Jeremy after I finish,” Mikey retorted.

            “Not the kind of answer I expected,” Kate muttered.
            “Never mind, let’s just eat,” Liza proclaimed.

            As time passes by, it’s already time for them to leave for home.

            “Come on, Mikey.  What’s taking you so long?” asked Livie.

            “Go ahead.  I still have to talk with Ms. Austin.  Wait for me at the gate,” Mikey said.

            As the others left, Mikey approached Ms. Austin.

            “Good afternoon, Ms. Austin,” Mikey said.
            “Good afternoon.  Is there any problem?” Ms. Austin asked.

            “I would just like to ask you some questions, if you don’t mind?” he said.

            “Of course not… what is it?”

            “Well, it’s quite personal,” Mikey admitted.

            “I don’t mind,” Ms. Austin said.

            “How old are you, Ms. Austin?”
            “Well, I’m 43 years old,” she answered.

            “Are you married?” the boy asked.

            “No I’m not” she answered with an embarrassing laugh.

            “Do you have any brother or sister?” he asked.

            “I do have a sister.  Her name is Jenifer Miller.  Her husband is John Miller,” she said.

            “Do they have any kids?” he asked.

            Ms. Austin paused for awhile and answered softly, “Yes they have – a baby boy.”

            “How old is he?” Mikey asked.

            “I think he is as old as you,” she said.

            “Where is he now?  Is he not studying?” Mikey asked.

            She said softly, “Well it happened twelve years ago , my sister and her husband died in an accident, leaving their child to me,” she said.

            “I was not financially stable then so I gave the baby to a well-off family.  I think he’s now having a wonderful life with his new found parents.”

            “What is the name of that family?” he asked.

            “Well I don’t remember much… I prefer not to recall,” she proclaimed.

            “Do you have a picture of your sister and her husband?” Mikey asked.

            “Well yes, I think it’s here,” Ms. Austin said as she opened her shoulder bag and got her wallet.

            “Here.  They are holding my nephew when he was only two months old,” she said.

            “What is that hanging around the baby’s neck?” he asked.

            “It’s a pendant given to him by his mother,” she paused as she looked at Mikey and noticed his necklace.

            “It’s almost just like yours,” she said.

            “Oh this? It’ was given by my mother too,” he said as he looked back to the picture saying, “What a nice couple they are!”

            “They sure were,” Ms. Austin said.

            “Well Ms. Austin, thank you for that wonderful conversation,” Mikey said.

            “My pleasure,” Ms. Austin answered.

            As Mikey took his bag and left the room, he glanced at Ms. Austin who answered him with a smile.

            As he left the school grounds and headed for the gate, he was welcomed only by Jeremy.

            “Where are the others?” Mikey asked.

            “They all left.  They said they could not wait for you any longer,” Jeremy said.

            “Let’s just go home,” Mikey said.

            “I’ll just get my bike.  Wait for me here,” proclaimed Mikey.

            As they were on the road…
            “Do you have a collection of stamps?  Like something that can remind you of the past?” Mikey asked.

            “I think I have.  When we get to our house, I’ll run up and get it,” Jeremy said.

            As they arrived in Jeremy’s home…

            “I’ll go and get it,” Jeremy said.

            “I’ll wait for you here,” Mikey said.

            After a few minutes of waiting, Jeremy rushed out of the door. 

            “I’m sorry Mikey for keeping you waiting but I can’t find it.  I’ll just give it to you at school,” proposed Jeremy.

            “Alright.  I better go home now and my mom will be worried,” Mikey said.

            As he rode off, he saw a blue sedan with someone familiar behind the wheel.

            “Isn’t that Ms. Austin?” Mikey said to himself.

            “How about if I follow her…” he muttered.

            After saying this, he quickly pedalled and followed the car of Ms. Austin at a distance.

            As the car turned left, “Ms. Austin’s house is only two blocks away from our house,” Mikey said.

            And again he followed the blue sedan as it went to a stop and parked at a house two meters away from the block.

            “It’s just like ours except for the wooden fences,” Mikey said.

            “I better go now and mom will get angry,” he said.


            “So how’s your day, sweetheart?” asked Mrs. Williams.

            “It’s fine,” Mikey said as he took a bite of his vegetables.

            “Your mother said you came ten minutes than your usual curfew,” Mr. Williams said.

            “Huh? Oh! I have plenty of things to do in school before I leave,” Mikey said.

            “Like what?” Mr. Williams asked sternly.

            “I had to clean the room and fix the shelves,” Mikey said.

            “That is a good reason, Francis,” Mrs. Williams said.

            “Well Shaine, for me that is still not a good reason!” exclaimed Mr. Williams.  “Maybe that’s why he was cleaning their room because he was punished.”

            “Is this true, Mikey?” asked Mrs. Williams.

            “No.  I cleaned the room because we were assigned to,” he answered.

            “See how good your son is, Francis,” Mrs. Williams said.

            “May I be excused,” Mikey asked.

            “Yes you may,” Mr. Williams said.

            As he reached his room, he quickly closed and locked the door.  He opened his bag and got his book and started reading it.

            “Mikey…Mikey… What are you doing?” Mrs. Williams asked as she was knocking on Mikey’s door.

            “May I come in?” Mrs. Williams asked.

            “The door’s open,” Mikey said.

            “What are you up to?” Mrs. Williams asked.

            “Nothing much,” Mikey said as he quickly covered his book with his pillow.

            “Well I just came to give you a goodnight kiss,” Mrs. Williams said.

            “Goodnight, Mom,” he said.

            “Goodnight, dear,” Mrs. Williams said as she turned off the light.

            In the middle of the night, Mikey was again having his dream… He was back to the same dark cell with the same old man in it.  And he heard people shouting, “Let the games begin!”

            Then he tried to speak to the old man who was with him in the cell.

            “What is your name?  What are you doing here?” he asked.

            The old man stared at Mikey and answered him with a whispering voice, “My name is Old Hernews and I don’t know what I’m doing here.”

            “It’s been years since I was locked in this dark cell,” Old Hernews said.

            “What’s that noise we’ve been hearing from outside?” asked Mikey.

            “It’s the game of the gladiators,” answered Old Hernews.

            “What actually do they do?” he asked.

            “They take one of the slaves and let him fight with the lions,” he said gasping for breath.

            “Do you think you are going to be sent too?” he asked.

            “If I don’t get out of here that’s the next thing that will happen to me,” Old Hernews said.

            “What’s your name?” Old Hernews asked.

            “My name is Mikey,” he said.

            “Nice to meet you,” Old Hernews said.

            “I would like to help you,” Mikey said.

            “In what way?” Old Hernews asked.

            “I’ll help you get out of this cell for good,” Mikey said determinedly.

            “What can you do for a small boy like you?” asked Old Hernews.

            “Don’t worry… I’ll think of a way… but if I help you, you must grant me a favour,” Mikey said.

            “Anything… just get me out of here once and for all,” Old Hernews said.

            “Okay… Here’s the plan…” Mikey began whispering to him...

I forgot why I thought of the name Hernews and why the days of the gladiators? I think I watched a Hollywood movie with such a setting during that time...

Less cringing now since I've gotten used to my crappy writing style hahaha          

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