kitty,cuddly,kitten,stuffed dog

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

i so miss these guys

So as part of the new year...i celebrated it with a meet up

with these guys that I SOOO MISS!!!

skating uli sa MOA

and had dinner at Hooters sa bayside

it was nice to see Katek and Mewi again

and the rest....Arpee and Badet...Bossing, Andres, JP, JT, Caezar, Katek and beau Kyks, Mewi with bro,Joy and labidabs, Ej, mJ and nice meeting Dindo...and the HOOTERS girls hahaha


to view more of the photos above click HERE


dei said...

i second emotion. awuhuhu...

TiKisokA said...

don't worry
we'll get to see each other again
in one of the many gigs and
getogethers we cook up

seeyah soon!