kitty,cuddly,kitten,stuffed dog

Thursday, April 23, 2009

30 days...going on 30

how different will a month make if you just go through it as regular as you go through your every day... so what would make these 30 days different?

well for me it's my way of signaling that yeah there is this ho-hum event coming a month form now...and it has been uneventful for the past couple of years...since there are no fireworks or thunder and lightning every time that date arrives so what gives anyway? haha...

so to make it a little more different...let's see if I can be altruistic...and give back...in any way...no matter how small...some service or favor or help or whatever i can give back...something not deliberate though...something that i'm not too aware that am doing...ha! now that I'm blogging about it, it just makes it more obvious and deliberate...but what the heck! am the one who's doing the promising anyway...so shush!


and since we're talking about giving back...can't i give back to myself?! wahahaha like giving something back as in form of gifts or pampering haha... how fun of me to twist my words haha... so i was thinking...why not come up with a wishlist...tho i know most if not all willbe far-fetched - since I don't expectmuch in terms of gifts ever since i became a teenager and i started to really just buy stuff for myself ever since i started earning...so what the heck...this list is plainly just for me and to test my self-discipline! haha

i first thought of setting a budget for my list...since techinically I'll be the one buying these stuff anyway...but since its a wish list anyway...i can always dream...

1. if only i can have a weekend on my birthday all to myself... I've been toying with the idea of traveling alone...as in out of town... that's why for the past couple of months I was asking a few friends and cuzins form abroad...for their suggesiton of a one-day trip... and what would they do to treat me or whatever... but that's still all plans... despite all the go lite fares of the airlines... i still can't find the time and budget to set a date for myself....add to thatmy frustration of not driving my own car haha

2. spending a day in a spa won't hurt right? I mean literally hurt? coz I've seen some people who would really hurt the next day after spending a day for a massage or something haha... it's like running a marathon without warming up i guess ... the choices of spas, massages, and all that pampering activities makes me cringe and say why bother...

3. new wardrobe...as in blouses, shoes, pants, dresses even.., jewelry and accessories.. I don't know why but I never got the hang of buying new stuff for myself (every pay day) haha... i keep putting it off... and having a uniform for work doesn't help matters...

4. a new mobile phone... this is even more frustrating for me...since i can't seem to find an affordable mobile phone which will not make me regret shelving out tensthousands in one sitting...and i wouldn't just need a new phone...i need 2 since i have 2 SIMs...add to that the prepaid loads...

5. a DVD player for my room...if i can afford it even...in each room in our house haha

6. a portable DVD player for the car... something to keep us busy during our long driving out of town...

7. a tv tuner...which will make tv viewing accessible through the computer...one for our desktop and one for the laptop - hey! a usb tv tuner can be transferred from one unit to the other so that's cool...

8. why not buy a plasma tv or a flat screen tv while I'm at it haha...all our tv's at home is broken or sort of out of commission or just plain old...

9. a digicam or dslr camera...or maybe even both! and these gadgets just keep on updating and upgrading...grrrr... sony or canon? or nikon?

10. a sony handycam... hey i think this is better...since the latest handycam use a memory card and is easier to record...both still photos and videos...nice!

the other stuff i can think of...that i didn't include in this list...eating in Sofitel's buffet...buying 10 audio cds - recommended by my friends or my fave artists...buying the latest DVD of my fave movies - old and new...buying a Starbucks shirt or that new transparent tumbler...i wish I can do within the next couple of months...or years..or let's not just give myself a deadline shall we haha

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