kitty,cuddly,kitten,stuffed dog

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Dream On - Final Chapter 12

DREAM ON is a story about a boy who is transported back to the times of the gladiators in Rome... or was it? I can't quite recall anymore... I would be going through the story again as I retype it here...

DISCLAIMER: All scenes, characters, names and places that may be similar to real situations are all coincidental and are just made up by a 12-year old kid.


“Where am I?” Mikey asked as he opened his eyes to see his parents beside him.  “Mom… Dad… what am I doing here? Where am I?”  he asked.

“Don’t worry.  We’re in the hospital.” Mrs. Williams said.  “You just had a bad accident awhile ago,” Mr. Williams announced.

“Accident?  What accident?” Mikey asked forgetting what happened to him.  “You’re going to be fine,” Mrs. Williams said.  “Have some rest.  You’ll need it for our trip home,” the lovely lady ended as she gave a comforting smile to her son.

Mikey looked around the room to see his friends; Kate, Livie, Liza and Jeremy, seated by the couch beside Ms. Austin.  “Oh! I remember!” Mikey said.  “What is it?” Mrs. Williams said in a whispering voice.

“I had the most wonderful dream,” he said.

“What did you dream about?” asked his father.

“I dreamt about my real parents and I also saw Ms. Austin there,” Mikey said as he looked at Ms. Austin, who gave him a smile.

Looking back to his parents, he was very lonely.  “Why are you so sad, my son?” Mrs. Williams asked sweetly.  “It didn’t go as nice as I thought it would be,” Mikey said.  “At the end of my dream, I witnessed the tragic end of my real parents,” Mikey said as a tear rolled down his cheek.

“Don’t worry,” Ms. Austin said as she approached the bed of Mikey.  “I think now they are really happy for you, now that you have parents like you have now,” she smiled and put her hand on Mrs. Williams’ shoulders.

“How nice of you to say that, Ms. Austin,” Mikey said.  “I will never ever give up my wonderful parents,” Mikey said as Mr. and Mrs. Williams gave him a kiss on both cheeks.

“Oh and one more thing,” Mr. Williams paused.  “Mikey, don’t you know how to respect your aunt,” he said as he looked at his wife.  “You mean… Dad…?” Mikey said.

“Yes, Mikey.  You can now call Ms. Austin your aunt,” Mrs. Williams said.

“Sorry to interrupt the conversation,” Kate said.  “I would only like to know if you would continue with the part?” she asked as Liza answered her with a raised eyebrow.  “You really are quick when it comes to food,” Liza said.

“Oh yes… the party!” Mikey said.  “Are we not going to continue it?” Mikey asked eagerly.

“Your father and I decided to celebrate it in a different way,” announced Mrs. Williams.

“What do you mean?” Mikey asked.

“Well it’s almost Christmas so we would like to celebrate it at a skiing resort,” Mr. Williams proclaimed.

“Really, Dad?  You’re not joking?” Mikey asked.

“Of course not.  We were even planning to invite your friends,” his father said.

“You mean we’re invited too?” Jeremy exclaimed.

“Yes, together with Ms. Austin,” Mrs. Williams said.

“Well that would really be a fun-filled trip!” Livie said dreamily.

“Would you believe that? We’re going to a ski resort for free!” proclaimed Liza while everyone laughed at what she said.

“When will this be, Mr. Williams?” Jeremy asked as he rose on his feet and approached him.  “The sooner the better,” Mr. Williams answered.

“That’s great, Dad!” exclaimed Mikey as he gently sat on his bed.

“Be careful or else you might stay here a bit longer,” Mrs. Williams said.

“Well I can’t wait to get out from here and go to that resort!” Mikey said as he hugged his parents.

***THE  END***

Two things... it was a short story... and I didn't remember that I ended it that abruptly... perhaps I didn't want much complications to the story... my 12-year old mind can't handle telenovela-like conflicts hahaha😂

Hope you enjoyed killing time with this short story of mine as much as I enjoyed retyping it...

Gawd! What was I thinking back then?! SMH 😅

Dream On - Chapter 11, The Tragedy

DREAM ON is a story about a boy who is transported back to the times of the gladiators in Rome... or was it? I can't quite recall anymore... I would be going through the story again as I retype it here...

DISCLAIMER: All scenes, characters, names and places that may be similar to real situations are all coincidental and are just made up by a 12-year old kid.


Next day, everyone woke up early and were getting ready for the new day.

“Come and get it!” Ms. Austin said as theothers were running towards the kitchen and were taking their seats.

“Mmmmmm! What a nice breakfast we have here,” Mr. Miller said.  “You really are a good cook,” he said as he looked at his wife saying, “second only to my wife of course,” he ended as Mikey gave a little laugh.  “Well, ket’s eat,” Mrs.Miller said as she was getting a plate filled with bread.

“Where are you going, Mrs. Miller?” Mikey asked as he noticed that they were dressed-up.

“We’re going to the office,” Mr. Miller said.

“This early?” exclaimed Mikey.

“Well yes, if we left a little later the streets will be filled with people already, which makes a lot of traffic,” Mrs. Miller said.

And in the middle of the conversation, Mikey heard Old Hernews’ voice.  “Mikey, we better go now,” he said as he told Mikey to go to his room for awhile.  “Excuse me,” Mikey said.  “I would like to go to my room for awhile,” he said as he ran to his room.

In his room, Old Hernews appeared to him.  “We better go now,” the old man said.

“But why?” Mikey asked.

“As I told you yesterday, your time is up! We better go,” Old Hernews insisted.

“But can we wait until Mr. & Mrs. Miller leave?” Mikey pleaded.  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” Old Hernews said as he sat on Mikey’s bed.

“:Afraid of what?  Come on, you better tell me!” Mikey exclaimed.  “Don’t you remember?” Old Hernews asked.

“Remember what?  What are you talking about?!” Mikey exclaimed.  “Don’t you remember how your parents died?” Old Hernews asked.  “Yes, I know they died in a vehicle accident.,” Mikey said as he sat beside Old Hernews.

“Why, Old Hernews?” he asked.  “Today is the day of that accident.  That’s why I want you to leave this moment, so that you wouldn’t be here to see it,” Old Hernews explained.

“Mikey,” Mrs. Miller called out as she and Mr. Miller walked towards the room of Mikey.  “We’re leaving.  We would like only to say goodbye to you before we go,” she said sweetly.

“Bye.  Take care of Ms. Austin and the baby for us, okay?” Mr. Miller said as they walked outside of the room and went towards the front door.

“Old Hernews, what will I do?  They’re leaving already.  I better stop them…” Mikey said as he quickly ran outside of the door while Old Hernews was following him.

“Mikey, where are you going?” Ms. Austin asked as she saw Mikey rushing out the front door.  But he was too late.  The couple were already on the street and were on their way.

“Stop!” Mikey screamed.  But the couple did not hear him as they increased their speed.

In Mikey’s surprise, he saw a pickup truck with a drunken man behind the wheel, speeding at a very fast pace.  The truck was zigzagging its way through the street, not knowing that a vehicle was coming his way.

Mikey reacted quickly and he ran towards the speeding car of Mr. & Mrs. Miller and was signalling them to stop.  “Stop the car!  Stop the car!” Mikey shouted as he saw the two vehicles, nearing each other in collision.  Mr. Miller is trying very hard to outrun the truck but failed…




The shortest and the second to the last chapter of the story...

What do I have against pickup trucks when I was younger I wonder? haha 😅

Dream On - Chapter 10, Once In a Lifetime

DREAM ON is a story about a boy who is transported back to the times of the gladiators in Rome... or was it? I can't quite recall anymore... I would be going through the story again as I retype it here...

DISCLAIMER: All scenes, characters, names and places that may be similar to real situations are all coincidental and are just made up by a 12-year old kid.


“Come on wake up young man,” a policeman said as he was trying to wake up Mikey, sleeping by a bench at the park in their village.  “Come on, wake up now, beggars are not allowed to sleep here.  This is a private park and only residents pass by here,” the policeman said as he took Mikey by the arm and led him out of the park.  “And don’t ever make a mistake of coming back again,” he concluded.

“Me, a beggar?” Mikey asked himself.  “How can that be?  I live here, I know this place.  I know this is private park and I recognize that policeman, he only looks younger.  And how can he say I’m a beggar?” Mikey muttered to himself as he looked at what he was wearing.  “Rags?” Mikey asked amazed.  “But how can I be wearing rags?”

“You dreamt of it,” a ghostly voice said as it echoed in the ears of Mikey.  “Old Hernews, is that you?” Mikey asked as he recognized the voice.  “Old Hernews? Where are you?” Mikey asked as he went from one corner to another searching for Old Hernews.

“Just remember I’m always with you,” the ghostly voice said as it faded away.

“Old Hernews…” Mikey said.

As the voice drifted away, Mikey quickly thought of going to his house and changing his clothes.  “And I would like to take a bath too,” Mikey said.

As he walked towards his home, he passed by the house of Livie, Kate , Liza and Jeremy, but found no signs of people.

“Livie’s house is still being built while Kate and Liza’s houses are for rent, yet no one is living there… while Jeremy’s house is not even being built yet,” Mikey said to himself amazed.  “What is going on?” Mikey asked himself as he rested at  tree by the sidewalk and thought of what’s happening.

As Mikey thought of it, he snapped his fingers  saying, “So that’s why… I remember now… I  went back through time… I really am in the past…. Thinking that the house of my friends would be occupied by them… And to think of it maybe even my house…” Mikey’s words were cut off as he quickly ran to his house hoping to see someone.

As he arrived at his house, he saw a sign hanging by the gate saying, “For sale, yet no one has bought it yet,” Mikey said.  “Where can I go now?  I don’t have a place to stay the week.  What will I do?” Mikey said in despair.

Mikey stood up and walked down the block to see if he knows where he can stay.  And he thought, “How about if I go to Ms. Austin’s house… she could still be there…” Mikey said as he ran down the curve to Ms. Austin’s house.

As he arrived, he was relieved to see the blue sedan of Ms. Austin parked in the garage with another red sedan.  “There must be somebody home,” Mikey said as he explored the place and saw a sign hanging by the fence. “It says room for rent,” Mikey said as he read it.  “This answers my problem,” Mikey said as he quickly knocked at the door.

At his first knock, no one answered but again Mikey knocked saying, “As Old Hernews said all you need is patience, my lad,” Mikey said as he even imitated the voice of Old Hernews.  And in no time, someone answered the door.  And in Mikey’s amazement, it was Ms. Austin who opened the door.

As Mikey saw Ms. Austin opening the door, he quickly said, “Good afternoon, Ms. Austin.”

“You know me, young man?” Ms. Austin asked.

“Don’t you remember who I am?... I’m…”Mikey’s words were cut off as he mumbled to himself, “Don’t you remember… you went back in time.  No wonder Ms. Austin does not recognize you,” Mikey said as he looked back at the waiting Ms. Austin. “Well I asked your neighbours what your name was,” Mikey said.

“Oh is that so,” Ms. Austin said.  “You may come in,” she said as she opened wide door the door and led Mikey into her home and telling him to take a seat.

Mikey was looking around at the things displayed in the home of Ms. Austin.  “This is the same couch where I brought Ms. Austin when she was dizzy that day,” Mikey said to himself as Ms. Austin arrived with a plate full of biscuits.

“Here you are, young man,” Ms. Austin said sweetly.

“And what is your name?” Ms. Austin asked as she took a sip from her coffee which she brought in together with the biscuits.

“Mikey, ma’am,” Mikey said as he took a bite from his biscuit.

“What can I do for you?” Ms. Austin asked as she put down her cup of coffee.

“I saw the sign in front of your house saying ‘room for rent’,” Mikey said.

“And you want to occupy it…ah…” Ms. Austin said as she was trying to remember Mikey’s name.

“Mikey, ma’am,” Mikey quickly answered.

“Oh yes,” Ms. Austin said.  “Do you want to occupy it, Mikey?” Ms. Austin asked as she took a sip from her coffee.

“Yes, Ms. Austin,” Mikey proclaimed.

“Do you have the money to pay for the rent?” Ms. Austin asked.

“How much do I need to cover the expenses?” Mikey asked.

“It depends.  If for how long you’re going to stay,” Ms. Austin said as she leaned onto the seat.

“I’m only going to stay for a week,” Mikey said as he looked at the vases displayed on the table just beside the couch.  Upon looking at the table, he noticed a picture frame just beside it, recognizing it was the same picture Ms. Austin showed him.

“If I may ask,” Mikey said getting the frame from the table.  “May I ask who are they?” Mikey asked as he showed the picture frame to Ms. Austin.  “Oh that is my sister with her husband and her baby boy… and that’s me just beside them,” Ms. Austin said as she was pointing to the faces in the photo.

“Do they live here?” Mikey asked curiously.

“Yes they do,” Ms. Austin said sweetly.  “Well I better show you where you’re going to sleep,” Ms. Austin said as she stood up and Mikey put down the frame on the table and followed her through the hall.

“Here’s your room,” Ms. Austin said as she opened the door of the second room from the right.  The oom was filled with furniture.  It had a small TV, a small couch and a medium-sized bed and cabinet just beside the door, facing the glass window.

“It looks beautiful,” Mikey exclaimed as he went inside the room looking at the furniture; opening the cabinets, drawers and even checking if the TV is working,

“It even has a set of clothes,”  Mikey said as he opened some drawers.

“Yes, it’s the old clothes of Mr. Miller and I think it will fit you perfectly,” Ms. Austin said as she smiled at Mikey.

“Oh, Ms. Austin,” Mikey paused. “Can I explore your lovely house for just a minute?” Mikey pleaded.

“Sure you can.  You can walk around the house while I start cooking dinner,” Ms. Austin said.  “And thanks for the compliment,” Ms. Austin said as she headed to the kitchen and was getting things from the refrigerator, which she needed for cooking.  “Any minute now and my sister will be coming,” Ms. Austin added.

Mikey went to the living room and again looked at the picture frame on the table, just beside the couch.  As Mikey picked up the frame, he noticed something hanging from the baby’s neck.  “It’s really the same pendant I’m wearing,” Mikey said amazed.


“Who could that be?” Mikey said as he put down the frame and looked out the window to see who was coming.

“Mikey, please open the door.  That could be them,” Ms. Austin said as she was trying the stew she was cooking.  “When you open the door, introduce yourself.  They don’t know you, remember,” Ms. Austin said as she was cutting some of the vegetables and was putting them in the stew.

“Here they come now,” Mikey said as  he quickly opened the door to let the couple in.

“Good evening, sir, ma’am,” Mikey said as he was looking at the couple, who looks exactly like him.

“Who are you?” Mr. Miller asked.

“My name is Mikey.  I’m the one who occupied the room you rented out,” Mikey said smiling as he looked at the baby which Mrs. Miller was holding.  “Please come in,” Mikey said as he opened the door wider, letting the couple inside.

“Michelle, we’re home!” Mrs. Miller said as she brought the baby in the room while Mr. Miller took a seat  by the couch, got a newspaper and started reading it.

“Where are you?” Mrs. Miller asked as she went out of the room into the hall.

“I’m here, Jenny,” I’m cooking dinner,” Ms. Austin said as she was getting some plates and was putting them on the table.  “Okay let’s eat!” Ms. Austin said.

“Mikey, you can join us,” Ms. Austin said as MIkey quickly went into the kitchen and looked for a vacant seat and occupied it.

“Is your real name Mikey?” Mrs. Miller asked as she took some veggies from the plate in from of her.

“No, ma’am.  My real name is Michael,” Mikey said a he took a sip of stew from the cup in front of him.

“What a coincidence, our son’s name is Michael too,” she smiled.

“If I may ask, how old is your baby boy?” Mikey asked.

“How do you know it’s a boy?” Mr. Miller asked sternly.

“Don’t worry, John, I told him,” Ms. Austin said. “Well to answer your question, he’s just ten months old,” Ms. Austin said as she took a bite from the food she was eating.

“Two months more and our baby will be celebrating his first birthday,” Mrs. Miller said smiling. “What brings you here, Michael,” Mrs. Miller asked.

“Just call me Mikey,” he said.  “I’m new in this neighbourhood,” Mikey answered.  “So I decided to look for a place where I can stay for the week.”

“Here, Mikey, would you like more of the stew?” Mr. Miler asked as he handed to Mikey the bowl of stew.

“Thank you, sir,” Mikey said.


“Oh no!” exclaimed Mrs. Miller as she rose up on her feet and quickly ran to the room of the baby.

“Mikey, can you please assist my wife with whatever she’s doing?” Mr. Miller said as he tried to look at where his wife went.

“My pleasure,” Mikey said as he too ran after Mrs. Miller.

As he arrived in the room of the baby, he saw Mrs. Miller carrying the baby in her arms and was rocking him back to sleep.

“Do you need any help?” Mikey asked.

“No I don’t it’s alright but thank you for being there to help,” Mrs. Miller said as she carefully put down the baby on the crib.

“He looks so cute,” Mikey said as he was looking at the baby sleep.  “What’s that hanging around his neck?” Mikey asked as he noticed the necklace.

“It’s a necklace which we gave him,” Mrs. Miller said as she was patting the head of the baby.  “You know he kinda looks like you,” Mrs. Miller said as she noticed the necklace hanging around Mikey’s neck.

“What a nice necklace you have.  It’s just like that of Michael’s,” Mrs. Miller said.  “Who gave it to you?” she asked.

“Well my real parents gave it tome,” Mikey said.  “To tell you the truth, you and Mr. Miller make a good couple and good parents too,” Mikey proclaimed.  “Your baby is lucky to have parents like you,” he added.

“Well thank you, that’s rather sweet of you!” Mrs. Miller said as she pulled up the blanket of the baby.  “Ssssh! The baby’s sleeping now so let’s go back to the kitchen,” Mrs. Miller said as she turned off the light and walked back to the dining table.

“So how’s Michael?” her husband asked as he saw her with Mikey coming towards the table.

“He’s now sleeping like a small cuddly bear,” Mrs. Miller said as she pulled back her seat and sat down.

“That’s wonderful,” Ms. Austin said.  “Now let’s go back to our dinner,” Ms. Austin said as she got the plate of stew and was filling her cup with it.

As they all finished, Ms. Austin was clearing the table with the help of Mikey.  While Mr. & Mrs. Miller were watching on their black and white TV and talking about the day’s work.

“Here you go, Ms. Austin,” Mikey said as he handed Ms. Austin a plate, which he got from the table.  “It’s the last one,” Mikey said smiling – not his usual way.

“Thank you, Mikey.  You’re a great help even if you have not stayed here for a week yet,” Ms. Austin said as she remembered to say something.  “Mikey, if I may ask.  When are you going to pay the rent?” Ms. Austin asked as she was wiping some plates which she just finished washing.

“Well, Ms. Austin, I’m going to check if I brought money,” Mikey said as he quickly ran to his room and hastily locked the door.

After locking the door, he waved his hands.  “I wish I had the money to make these people happy,” Mikey said but in the middle of his magic.  “Hep! Hep!” Old Hernews said as he appeared on the bed of Mikey’s room, interrupting him.

“Old Herenews, why are you stopping me?” Mikey asked as he was only holding half of the money.

“Well I just want to remind you of something,” Old Hernews said.

“What is it?” Mikey asked.

“Well let’s put it this way, you only have a few more hours to stay here and when that is finished you have to go back home,” Old Hernews said as he felt sad for Mikey.  “Don’t worry, that little time will be enough,” he said as he flew closer to Mikey.

“But that time is not enough!  It’s been years since I have not seen my parents yet… now that I have the chance here it still has to end this way?!  I have not been with them even for a day and now you’re going to say that my time’s up?!” Mikey said as he fell on his bed, teary-eyed.  “If only I knew this was going to happen, I wish you did not help me anymore.”

After Mikey said that, all was silent.  Old Hernews was thinking of a way to cheer up Mikey.  “Can I see the baby?” Old Hernews asked changing the subject.

“But they’ll see you,” Mikey said as he led Old Hernews to the other room.

“You look cute when you’re a baby,” Old Hernews said laughing.  “But I still look cute,” Mikey protested. “But I still say that the baby is cuter than you,” Old Hernews argued.

“Who are you talking to, Mikey?” Mrs. Miller asked as she entered the room, wondering who Mikey was talking to.

“Well I’m just talking to myself,” Mikey said as he quickly looked where Old Hernews was, the he saw Old Hernews standing by the crib still looking at the baby.

“You sure are full of imaginations, young man,” Mrs. Miller said smiling to Mikey as she walked closer to the baby and carried him in her arms.  “I’ll take young Michael out for a walk,” Mrs. Miller said.

“Can I go with you?” Mikey asked.

“Sure you can,” Mrs. Miller said.

“I better go with you,” Old Hernews whispered in Mikey’s ear.

“On second thought, we better not leave anymore.  It’s cold outside and the baby might get sick,” Mrs. Miller said as she put down the baby Michael back in his crib.

“Too bad,” Mikey exclaimed.  “It’s a nice day to have a walk.”

“Yes, and it’s a nice day to have a cold too,” Mrs. Miller proclaimed.

“Jenifer, come over,” Mr. Miller called out.  “There’s a nice program on.”

“What is it? “ she asked as she approached Mr. Miller sitting on the couch and as Mr. Miller welcomed her with a hug.

As Mikey and Old Hernews looked on, “I’m warning you, Mikey!  You only have a few more hours to stay here and when that time is finish you have to go back to your parents,” Old Hernews announced.

“I know… I know… I’m not deaf! Exclaimed Mikey as he stood beside the crib of Michael.

“Old Hernews, can you not extend my deadline?” he asked as he was gently patting the head of the baby.

“No, I can’t because you’ll… oops!” Old Hernews cut off.

“What do you mean oops?” Mikey asked.  “Old Hernews, tell me what’s in your mind!” he insisted.

“If I tell you, you’ll get disappointed,” Old Hernews proclaimed.

“Come on, tell me!” Mikey said furiously.  Old Hernews did not say a word as he slowly disappeared.  “Old Hernews…..!”

Then Mikey heard a whispering voice, “ You’ll know it when it’s your time to leave!  But I tell you if you don’t want this to happen, you would wish to go home this very instant,”  the voice said as it drifted away.

“What does Old Hernews mean?” Mikey asked himself.  “What could happen which I would not like to see…?  Well never mind. Old Hernews must be only joking,” he said.  “I better go and sleep,” he proclaimed as he said good night to everyone.


I think you can guess what will happen next

Just a couple more until the end...

Dream On - Chapter 9, The Dream

DREAM ON is a story about a boy who is transported back to the times of the gladiators in Rome... or was it? I can't quite recall anymore... I would be going through the story again as I retype it here...

DISCLAIMER: All scenes, characters, names and places that may be similar to real situations are all coincidental and are just made up by a 12-year old kid.


              “Where am I?” Mikey asked as he saw himself in a white chamber filled with smoke.

“What am I doing here?” he asked as he explored the smoky chamber.

When he was exploring the chamber, at one side the smoke cleared and he saw someone familiar.

“Hello, my lad,” Old Hernews aid as he approached Mikey.

“Old Hernews?” he paused.  “What are you doing here?”

“On second thought what are we doing here?” Mikey asked irritated.

Old Hernews smiled and answered, “Well let’s put it this way, you’re having another dream rather you’re having a coma.”

“A coma?” Mikey exclaimed.  “What’s that?”

“You’re really still a young boy, you still don’t know much,” Old Hernews said.

“You still have not answered my question yet,” Mikey said.  “What are we doing here?”

“Well this is a nice chance for you,” Old Hernews said.

“A nice chance for what?” Mikey asked.

“You boys are really hard to handle,” Old Hernews said as he said some magic words, which made his hands glow.  “A good chance for you to meet your parents.”

“Meet my parents?  How? “ Mikey asked as hew was surprised to hear that Old Hernews is going to help him.

“Have you forgotten that I have the magic to help you?” Old Hernews said.

“Okay… okay,” Mikey said.  “Let’s start.”

“The only thing we need is patience,” Old Hernews proclaimed as he made the glow of his hands brighter.

“The only thing you need to do is dream,” Old Hernews said.  “You must dream that you are with your parents, that you are going back to the time of your parents.”

“First thing we have to do is,” paused Old Hernews coughing.  “To get out of this smoky place,” Old Hernews said as he waved his hands in a circular motion, making the smoke disappear into a whirlpool.

And in no time,they were back to Ancient Rome, to the house of Old Hernews, this was the place the two were heading for.

“Here we are,” Old Hernews said as he opened the door to his old cottage.

As they entered, Old Hernews got a rug and a duster and started dusting the whole area with the help of his magic.

“You are lucky,” said Mikey as he sat on a clean chair, watching the rug and duster flying around, cleaning the cottage.

“Why is that so?” Old Hernews asked.

“Because you don’t get tired easily because of your magic,” Mikey said.

“I wished I had magic like yours,” Mikey said.

As Old Hernews heard this from Mikey, he quietly said some magic words and pointed his hands to Mikey, making him glow like gold.

“Old Hernews, what are you doing?” Mikey asked.

“I’m just fulfilling what you wished for,” Old Hernews said smiling to the young man.

“Why don’t you try it,” Old Hernews said as he sat on his chair.

“Try what?” Mikey asked impatiently.

“Your magic,” Old Hernews proclaimed.

“Really?”Mikey said.  “Okay, I’ll try it.”

He pointed his hands to a nearby vase and tried to make it fly around the room.  He tried but it did not fly.

“Why is it not flying?” asked Mikey in despair.  “I can’t do it.”

“Yes you can,” Old Hernews said as he pat the back of Mikey.  “If you only believe.”

“Okay, I’ll try,” Mikey said determined.  “Now fly…”

And in an instant…

“I did it.” Mikey said jumping around.  “The vase is flying.  I did it!”

“I told you, you can,” Old Hernews said.

“Thanks for the tip,” Mikey said as he made the vase land on the table.

“Now enough of that,” Old Hernews said.  “Now that you have the magic, you can now go back through time and meet your parents,” Old Hernews proclaimed.

“When the sun sets, you must get to sleep and in no time, you’ll be with your parents again,” Old Hernews said as he got his cane and went outside to see whether the sun was already setting.

“We just have to wait,” Old Hernews said as he closed the door of his little cottage.

At sunset, Mikey was already sleepy and wanted to go to bed.

“Okay,” Old Hernews said.  “All you have to do is dream… dream… dream… dream…” Old Hernews said as he whispered softly in the ears of the sleeping Mikey.  “Don’t worry I’ll always be with you.”

“O dear magic, give me the power to bring this young man to the rightful hour… O dear magic, may he be with his parents he always dreamed to see.”


I guess you know by now why DREAM ON is the title of this story...

Dream On - Chapter 8, The Nightmare

DREAM ON is a story about a boy who is transported back to the times of the gladiators in Rome... or was it? I can't quite recall anymore... I would be going through the story again as I retype it here...

DISCLAIMER: All scenes, characters, names and places that may be similar to real situations are all coincidental and are just made up by a 12-year old kid.


      At the signal of Mikey, the two boys hastily pedalled their way onto the streets, not minding what may come their way.

“Is that the fastest you can get?  Can you see I’m even faster than you,” Mikey said proudly.  “Come on do it a little faster,” Mikey proclaimed as he increased his pace on his bike.

“If that’s what you want,” Jeremy said as he too increased his speed, trying to outrun Mikey down the block.

The two boys raced down the block, not knowing what comes their way into the next turn.

As they turned right, they found themselves in the street of Mikey’s house.

As they made the turn, the two boys were looking at each other to check who is outrunning the other.

“I’m still winning!” Mikey exclaimed as he looked at Jeremy, while keeping his speed.

“We’ll see!” Jeremy said as he again tried to outrun him.

While they were outrunning each other, Mikey was leading the way with Jeremy at a distance.  But Mikey did not notice the oncoming pickup truck which was running in a tremendous speed.

Mikey not seeing the oncoming vehicle, still continued pedaling his way to his house.

As Jeremy saw this, he quickly warned his friend, “Mikey, there’s a vehicle coming toward you!” Jeremy screamed.  “Stop! Quickly!”

As Mikey heard this warning from Jeremy, he quickly tried to decrease his speed to avoid the vehicle.

But in his struggle, he still can’t slow down his bike due to the speed.  While the driver sees what comes its way it is also trying to outrun each other, the man behind the wheel, presses his horn to catch the attention of Mikey.


“Mikey!” shouted Jeremy.  “Stop at once or you’ll hit the truck,” Jeremy said as he was following Mikey at a distance.


And in an instant, Mikey and the pikup truck collided with each other, making a tremendous noise and  “waking” up the whole block.


After the collision, everyone on the block went out of their houses, to see what made that noise.  As the other neighbors saw the truck and the bike, one of them said, “There was an accident.”

“It’s an accident between a truck and a bike?” the other one said.

“I think one of them is badly hurt,” yet another one proclaimed.

As the people were making up stories about the collision, they went closer to where it was.

The Williams and the friends of Mikey went out of their houses and pushed themselves among the crowd to see what was happening.  As they sawy Jeremy by the truck and holding someone in his arms, they were surprised to see it was Mikey…

“Mikey!!!” screamed Mrs. Williams in fright.


Obviously, I was too young then to think of a proper crash scene that it looked like it happened in slow motion...

Dream On - Chapter 7, Invitation

DREAM ON is a story about a boy who is transported back to the times of the gladiators in Rome... or was it? I can't quite recall anymore... I would be going through the story again as I retype it here...

DISCLAIMER: All scenes, characters, names and places that may be similar to real situations are all coincidental and are just made up by a 12-year old kid.


As the Williams arrived home, Mrs. Williams instructed Mikey to invite some of his friends.

“Why don’t you invite your friends to lunch,” said Mrs. Williams.

“Okay Mom, if you say so,” Mikey said as he quickly ran to their phone and dialed Livie’s number.

As the phone rang, Livie quickly answered it.


“Hello.  Is this Livie?” Mikey asked shyly.

“Yes, speaking,” Livie said.

“Oh hi Livie, it’s Mikey,” he said.

“Hi! What’s up?” she asked.

“I would like to invite you to have lunch at our house,” Mikey proclaimed.

“What’s the occasion?” Livie asked curious.

“Well my mom just wanted us to have a get together,” Mikey said.

“If you want to, you can invite Kate and Liza over,” Mikey said.

“What time are we supposed to be there?” Livie asked as she curled the phone wire on her forefinger.

“At about eleven thirty,” MIkey said.

“Okay we’ll be there,” Livie said.

“See you.  Bye!” Mikey said.

“Bye!” Livie said as she quickly put down the receiver and started looking for Kate’s number.

“Oh here it is,” she said as she quickly dialed her number.

As the phone rang, Kate dropped the pocket book she was reading and swiftly ran to the kitchen, where the phone was.

“Hello.  May I speak with Kate,” Livie said sweetly.

“Speaking,” Kate answered quickly.

“Oh it’s you!” Kate said as she identified Livie’s voice.  “So what’s happening?”

“Well, Mikey called up,” Livie said.

“Tell me the good news… I don’t care if Mikey called,” Kate said crossly.

“He invited me to have lunch at their house,” Livie said sweetly.

“Oooh! So there is really something happening,” Kate said laughing.

“Stop that!” Livie said.  “To tell you the truth he invited you too.”

“Well I don’t want to interfere,” Kate said jokingly.

“Will you please stop that!” Livie exclaimed – not her usual sweetness.

“Okay… Okay…” Kate proclaimed.  “What time are we supposed to be there?

“Mikey said at about eleven thirty,” Livie answered – back to her sweetness.

“Are we the only ones invited?” Kate asked.  “It would be boring!”

“Mikey said he will be inviting some of his friends too,” Livie said.  “But we can also invite Liza.”

“I’ll call her up,” Kate offered.

“Okay tell her all the things I’ve told you,” Livie said as she was looking at her clock.

“Oh it’s already ten o’ clock.  We better get started,” LIvie proclaimed.

“Ok, I’ll call up Liza,” Kate said as she was turning the pages of an address book beside her.

“Don’t forget what I’ve told you,” Livie reminded her.

“Don’t worry,” Kate said.  “Ok bye.”

“Bye!” Livie answered back as she quickly put down the receiver and ran to her room to look for a casual dress to wear.

As Livie was choosing what to wear, the phone rang…


As Livie heard this, she hastily dropped her dress on the floor and ran to the phone, hearing nothing but a dial tone.

“I swiftly ran to the phone and here no one answers… oh my goodness!” she said.

As she stood up, the phone rang again…

“Well this better be good,” she said as she picked up the receiver.  “Hello.”

“Hello, is this Livie?” the one on the phone answered.

“Yes… is this Mikey?” she asked as she recognized his voice.

“Yes it is,” Mikey said.

“Did you call up Liza and Kate?” Mikey asked.

“I called up Kate and I asked her if she can call up Liza too,” Livie said.

“Oh by the way,” Livie paused.  “Kate was asking if we were the only ones invited?”

“No.  I’m still going to call up Jeremy and talk to him,” Mikey said.

“Okay.  Well it’s just nice to know that there are others invited,” Livie proclaimed.

“Well, Livie, that’s all that I wanted to know,” Mikey said.  “Don’t be late.”

“I assure you.  Bye” Livie said.

“See you!” Mikey said.

As Mikey finished on the phone, he ran to the kitchen to look for his mother.

Upon seeing Mikey, Mrs. Williams smiled at her son.  “Did you invite your friends already?” she asked.

“Yes.” Mikey answered.  “But I have to invite one more.” he said.

“Well you better invite him now,” the lovely woman said.  “My stew is already boiling.”

“Okay, Mom but I have to go to his house,” Mikey said.

“May I ride on my bike,” he pleaded.

“Yes of course but hurry up,” Mrs. Williams instructed.

“Right mom,” Mikey said.

“Okay now go,” Mrs. Williams said as Mikey kissed his goodbye.

After saying this to his mom, he swiftly ran to the garage and got his bike and opened the gate.

As he rode off, he thought of passing by Ms. Austin’s house to check on the lady.

As he passed by, he saw Ms. Austin watering her daisies and planting some more.  As he saw this he stopped for awhile and watched Ms. Austin.

As the minutes gone by, the sun grew hotter and the breeze was not as cool as it was making people perspire all over.  Mikey was still watching Ms. Austin, not knowing what time it was.  As he looked at his watch, he gasped in surprise.

“It’s quarter to eleven already.  I better get going,” he said.

As he was about to leave, he took a glance at Ms.Austin.  He saw that Ms. Austin was holding her head and looked like she was dizzy.

“What could be happening to Ms. Austin?” Mikey asked himself.

As he continued to stare at Ms. Austin, the lady was now trying to stand up but with difficulty.  But as she stood up, she fell on the ground, which Mikey saw and he started going up the fence of Ms. Austin to help her.

As he caught up with Ms. Austin, he quickly felt Ms. Austin’s forehead.

“Ms. Austin, are you feeling fine?” Mikey asked.

“Yes I am,” Ms. Austin answered.  “Who are you?” she asked as she slowly looked at her rescuer.

“Oh it’s, Mikey,” she said in a soft voice.  “Thanks for helping me.”

“My pleasure,” he said.

“I better bring you inside your house before anything else happens,” Mikey said.

Mikey quickly helped Ms. Austin rise on her feet.  As he did so, he accompanied Ms. Austin inside her house and laid her on the couch, just beside the door.

“Would you like me to bring you a glass of water?” he asked.

Ms. Austin answered Mikey with a nod and he ran for the kitchen,

As he came back with a glass of water, he quickly gave her the glass he was holding.

“Here you go, Ms. Austin,” Mikey said as he handed the glass of water to her.

“Thank you very much,” Ms. Austin said as she gave a sigh.

“I’m sorry if I cause you a lot of trouble,” Ms. Austin said.  “I think that’s why you passed by because you were going somewhere.”

As Mikey heard this from Ms. Austin, he looked at his watch.

“It’s already eleven o’ clock,” he said.  “I better get going.  Do you think I can leave you now?” he asked.

“Of course, I’m feeling fine already,” she said as she gave Mikey a nod.  “Yes you can go now. Don’t worry about me.”

“If you say so,” Mikey said.  “Okay… Bye…”

“Bye… and thanks again,” Ms. Austin said as she led Mikey out of the house into the garden.

As he got his bike and rode off, he waved at Ms. Austin who also answered him with a wave.

As he arrived at Jeremy’s house, he left his bike and pressed the doorbell, waiting impatiently.

“Will someone open the door.  Mom will be worried and I’ll be late too,” Mikey said.

And immediately, someone opened the door in Mikey’s surprise it was Jeremy.

“Oh hi Mikey,” Jeremy said, “Would you like to come in,” he said as he opened the door.

“No, this won’t take long,” Mikey said.  “I’m inviting you to have lunch at our house.

“Oh! That’s terrific!” Jeremy exclaimed.

“Ask permission from your mom and let’s get going,” Mikey said.

“Okay but you really don’t want to come in and wait inside?” Jeremy asked.

“No thank you.  I’ll just wait for you here but hurry up!” he exclaimed.

“Okay,” Jeremy answered.

After Mikey instructed Jeremy to dress up, Jeremy quickly slammed the door behind him and and ran up the stairs toward his room, leaving Mikey waiting.

“It’s already eleven quarter,” Mikey said to himself worried.  “I hope Jeremy hurries up.”

After a few more minutes of waiting, Mikey saw Jeremy coming out of their garage with his bike.

“Let’s go!” Jeremy said.

“Okay,” Mikey said.  “Let’s have a race to our house,” Mikey said as he challenged Jeremy.

“Sure,” Jeremy answered.  “Let’s see how good you are!”

“At my signal… ready… get set… go!” Mikey shouted.


Incidentally, we still have a landline at home up to this day... the phone conversation is plain but nostalgic a bit for me haha

Why does it always take a year 😅

So yes I am still around but using a different platform as they call it...
It is usually during the time when I log off social media for the coming lenten season when I take stock of the other options where I can still blog...
Ikeep forgetting that I still have this first blog site of mine 😅
If only there's an app that would connect my wordpress and tumblr to posts here then I would be a happy kid...